LIRLAP: New BMBF research project launched
- Projects

On 1 July 2019, the definition phase (18 months) of the BMBF-funded project "Linking Disaster Risk Governance and Land-Use Planning: The Case of Informal Settlements in Hazard Prone Areas in the Philippines (LIRLAP)" started at the IRPUD. The kick-off workshop took place on 04-05 July at the TU Dortmund University, Campus South (photo). In addition to the TU Dortmund University, the partners of the project are the Department of Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), the Institute of Regional Planning and Development Planning (IREUS), University of Stuttgart and the School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP), University of the Philippines.
Rapid urbanisation of urban regions worldwide is contributing to the growth of disaster risks. The phenomenon of informal settlements in hazard areas is a particular challenge. The Metro Manila metropolitan region (pilot study) is vulnerable to natural disasters (especially floods) and has long had to deal with the problem of informal settlement development.
The project builds on the previous six-month initiation phase (2017-2018), with a stakeholder workshop in Metro Manila in February 2018. During this, the need for a strategy to successfully upgrade and resettle informal housing areas located in hazardous areas was identified as a key challenge that now needs to be addressed. The aim is to achieve an increase in the resilience of cities, their surrounding areas and their inhabitants. In doing so, it is important to develop concepts that can also be transferred to other Southeast Asian urban regions.
Within the framework of LIRLAP, IRPUD is particularly concerned with two work packages: 1) with the resilient upgrading of informal settlement structures (upgrading strategies/dimensions, upgrading typology) and 2) with capacity building and the dissemination of results in the areas of research, teaching and planning practice (establishment of a doctoral programme, transfer of results to othercountries).