ZURES II – Workshop to develop and evaluate heat adaptation measures

The ZURES II project is now in its final spurt. The follow-up project focuses on the application and continuation of the future-oriented climate and vulnerability scenarios from ZURES I in selected instruments and planning processes in the city of Ludwigsburg. Thus, ZURES II contributes to the spatial perspective of urban development. To achieve this, the ZURES II team held an expert workshop on heat adaptation measures in June with representatives from the departments of urban planning, climate adaptation, social affairs, green spaces and ecology, sports and health, and sustainable mobility.
The development of measures is based on transdisciplinary developed objectives for heat-adapted urban development and differentiates between different priorities for action for urban areas, which result from current and future climatic situations and vulnerabilities of the population living and staying there. During the workshop, municipal representatives and the ZURES II team developed, discussed and evaluated tailor-made and practicable measures. Besides reducing heat stress, the measures discussed focused on reducing societal vulnerability and improving the governance process. The focus was not only on individual measures but on bundles of measures in order to be able to generate synergies and interrelationships and avoid conflicts. As a basis for discussion, the ZURES II team modeled initial physical measures such as planting street trees, unsealing, and green roofs and facades to assess their impact. Here, a heat reduction of up to 7°C could be achieved in some places.
As a result, three catalogs of heat adaptation measures are now to be developed: one for the city as a whole, but also one for each of the two focus areas of the inner city and the eastern part of the city, in which a concrete localization of the measures is possible.
A presentation of the overall results from ZURES II is planned for a final event in Ludwigsburg in mid-September.