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Department of Spatial Planning

Summer semester 2025

In this course, current issues of spatial planning and regional development with a focus on North Rhine-Westphalia will be dealt with theoretically and practically with a view to specific cases. The course primarily serves to deepen and apply the knowledge gained in basic courses at the level of state and regional planning.

The focus is on a topic that is becoming increasingly relevant for spatial planning: the safeguarding of services of general interest in the context of demographic and socio-economic change, the privatization of infrastructures and the problematic situation of public budgets. In this context, the role of central location concepts in particular is being increasingly discussed. In addition, a large number of regional cooperation projects must be taken into account, for example in the area of the BMVBS regional planning model projects.

In the course of the course, an overview of current developments in spatial planning, state and regional planning will be given in a lecture section. In a block of student presentations, this technical basis will be deepened using selected examples.


B.Sc. RP (2012): Successful completion of modules 1, 2, 8, 9 and 12 to participate in the seminar. (Deadline: Seminar registration)

Date: Tuesday, 08.04.2025 to 15.07.2025 , 08:30 to 10:00, weekly
Location: GB I, R 410
Further information: Event in LSF
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stefan Greiving (RER)

Modern societies are vulnerable to a variety of processes that have both natural and man-made causes (see COVID-19!)
As a rule, risks have a spatial component because they arise, spread and have an impact in certain spaces.
Spatial planning makes decisions on whether and how certain spaces should be used, taking into account their exposure to natural and technological hazards and the vulnerability of spatial and settlement structures. Preventive planning to deal with risks from natural and technical hazards is an important task for spatial planning, as this summer's extreme floods have shown. The importance is increasing due to climate change.

Aim of the seminar: To convey the relevance of risks from natural and technological hazards for spatial planning. The seminar will discuss the relevant theories of hazard and risk research as well as climate impact research. Furthermore, a critical examination of the role of spatial planning in the assessment and management of risks and adaptation to climate change is planned. Finally, concrete application cases will be prepared and reflected on against the background of the theoretical knowledge acquired.

Date: Tuesday, 08.04.2025 to 15.07.2025, 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. weekly
Location: GB I, R 410
Further information: Course in LSF
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Stefan Greiving (RER), Silke Wessel (RER)

The aim of the seminar is to impart the necessary knowledge about the development and practical application of data analysis methods and models for the planning and management of nature, green/open space and environmental systems as well as for climate adaptation. There is a strong focus on the role of GIS for climate adaptation. The management of open space and environmental systems in the context of climate change and the energy transition determines the content of the seminar.

In terms of modeling techniques, the focus is on process and system-oriented modeling and statistical modeling. At the beginning of the seminar, the structural type approach will be presented as a method for spatialization, modelling and multi-criteria analysis of spatial structures using authentic examples.

In order to demonstrate successful active participation, students will work on selected models and simulations for environmental planning and climate adaptation based on software programs such as ArcGIS Pro, ENVI-met, FloodArea or HEC-RAS under the guidance of the lecturer and present them in the form of papers. The following topics can be selected for the presentation:

  • Municipal housing demand forecasting
  • Quantifying the proportion and volume of green space using the structural type approach
  • Urban Neighborhood Green Index
  • Modeling and simulations with the ENVI-met program, e.g. simulation of various effects of different scenarios of building greening
  • Modeling and simulations with the FloodArea program from Geomer GmbH - heavy rainfall simulation
  • Modeling and simulations with the FloodArea program from Geomer GmbH - Flood hazard maps
  • GIS based assessment of potential of wind energy
  • GIS based assessment of potential of solar energy
  • GIS based assessment of potential of biomass energy
  • Cellular automaton simulation of urban systems
  • Modeling of Urban Sprawl
  • Agent simulation
  • GIS for Surface-Water
  • GIS for Ground-Water
  • GIS for Water-Supply and Irrigation Systems
  • GIS for Floodplain Management and Watershed Delineation in ArcGIS
  • GIS and Water Quality
  • Digital Elevation Model Issues in Water Resources Modeling and
  • HEC-RAS and HEC-GeoRAS
  • SWAT Soil and Water Assessment Tool


1st date: Tuesday, 08.04.2025 to 15.07.2025, 14:15 to 15:45 weekly (Greiving)
2nd date: Tuesday, 08.04.2025 to 15.07.2025, 16:15 to 17:45 weekly (Thinh)
Location: GB III, R 214
Further information: Event in LSF
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Stefan Greiving (RER), Thinh, Nguyen Xuan, Prof. Dr.,Dr. rer. nat. habil.,Latko, Jasmin Angela , M. Sc.